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Call for Membership


Are you interested in joining OSG-Global Trade?

At IOCC 6 in Hong Kong this past May, the Orchid Specialist Group decided to establish a new sub-group focused specifically on orchid trade.

Even in the context of widespread habitat destruction, trade remains a leading threat to many orchid species. As most of you will know, orchids make up almost 75% of CITES-listed species and are protected under the national legislation of many countries. However, there are ongoing concerns about illegal trade for ornamentals, as well for species used in edible, cosmetic and medicinal products. On the other hand, there are concerns from scientists about restrictions on scientific exchange, and from industry and hobbyists on the legal use and movement of plants. This new sub-group is created to lever our expertise and concerns in these areas to inform groups such as IUCN, CITES, TRAFFIC and other agencies.

We, Amy Hinsley (UNEP-WCMC) and Jacob Phelps (Lancaster Environment Centre), have volunteered to co-chair this new sub-group. We both do research on botanical trade and are enthusiastic to raise the profile of orchid trade.

The attached document shares a brief, draft vision for the group and its activities. You can also read more about the group at the new draft website. We are now looking for an active group of members to help us shape these ideas and implement them. Please see details below about how to get involved, and please kindly note our deadline of November 4th.


What does membership involve?

We are looking for people who are interested in active membership, with expertise related to any area of orchid trade. You will then be entered into our database, so that we can draw on your expertise as issues come up. This might involve responding to an IUCN Red List assessment related to trade, commenting on a proposal to CITES, responding to a country request for information about a specific type of trade. It will also involve helping us to identify emerging issues of concern related to trade (e.g., a new species discovery that might be vulnerable to trade, a concern over CITES bureaucracy, reporting illegal trade). We will also encourage you to update us on any trade related issues, and to help brainstorm or lead on specific items (e.g., topic in your country, review of trade in a specific taxa or region). If you are very enthusiastic about being involved in day-to-day management on a volunteer basis, please write us at

Who can be involved?

This group is open to all OSG members with a specific interest in trade. If you know of non-OSG members who might be particularly relevant (e.g., people in the orchid industry, scientists), please encourage them to get in touch with us.

How to get involved?

Please consider the attached scoping document, and email us at if you are interested in joining this sub-group. Please kindly respond with a few sentences on your specific area of expertise and a few sentences reflecting on our proposed vision, by November 4th.

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